About Us
We are a homesteading, homeschooling, wild foraging, nature family that loves our home in the Sonoran Desert. I blame the elderberry on my grandmother. She came to visit once and had it with her. She told me how much it had been helping her and she knew my two young boys were getting sick all the time. Sure enough, that first winter we used it I couldn’t believe how well it worked.
I was going broke buying elderberry syrup at the store and I didn’t feel good about the ingredients list- so I started researching. I love to cook so I dove right in and worked on perfecting a recipe that my family loved.
The more I researched elderberry, the more I realized science was backing up my family’s experience. Modern science was confirming the ancient tradition of this herb. That’s when I knew I had to get this into the hands of more families who are looking for natural, wholesome solutions.
I couldn't be more happy to share this effective and delicious natural remedy with you.